Popular International Development Organizations

Organizations have been created all over the world to help people and nations with various needs. These organizations have led to the development of some hitherto marginalized areas around the world. They have often given priority to less-developed countries to help bring them to an economically decent level.

They also help people in case of calamities and also give donations where necessary. Most of the countries around the globe have development organizations giving support to the people but only a few of these organizations are able to offer their services at international levels. Here are some of the most popular international development organizations around the globe.

World Bank

The World Bank is known as an International Organization that deals with financial issues around the world. It has 189 countries that are active members. The bank has a purpose which is to help eradicate poverty around the world. The World Bank provides loans to governments of some of the poorer countries around the world. These loans are given to help the less developed countries have a chance to do their capital projects. These loans are given at interest rates that favor the borrowing countries. The bank has a challenge since some of the countries borrowing from the bank have not yet paid their loans.

World Health Organization

This organization was formed in 1948. It is an agency of the United Nations that is tasked with dealing with matters of health around the globe. It has its headquarters in the city of Geneva which is in Switzerland. It takes charge in case of any health hazards in a United Nations’ country if the country cannot take care of them by itself. They also administer vaccines in member countries to curb the outbreak and spread of diseases.

The World Food Organization

This is the biggest humanitarian organization around the world. The program is meant to address food security and also hunger issues around the world. According to their analysis, they give food aid to about 90 million people in about 83 different countries.

These are just but a few of the organizations that take on various development projects around the world. Their activities extend beyond just reacting to issues that arise; they come up with proactive initiatives too.